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Simone C. Wilson
Simone C. Wilson

Simone C. Wilson (Lark) ,  the author of  Roses Amidst the Thorns the Parched Garden, resides in New Jersey. She is the proud mother of two children,seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Upon the urging of her friends and family she began writing experience by submitting her poetry in several poetry competitions. As a result of her submissions, Ms Wilson is now recognized as an International Poet of Merit by the  International Poet Society as well as a published poet in several anthologies.

The  International Library of Poetry have selected several of her poems, because of the diversity to be included in a recorded poetry collection. Ms Wilson is a retired master teacher of 40 years for the East Orange School District,where she was exceeding proud of being honored as its “Teacher of The Year”. She has enjoyed writing poetry,short stories and plays most of her life. Presently,she is working on the final series in Roses. Amidst the Thorns entitled “Roses Amidst  the Thorns “ New Beginnings”

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